Domestic work so often unseen and underestimated might be valued “at 13 per cent of Global GDP” (UNWomen). For some countries the estimates go up to 60% (UK, CH). Most of the domestic work is still done by women in exchange for “lower” working hours in official job. As a result, usually women end up working more in total and thus having a less time for leisure. To look at this problem I have decided to analyse Eurostat data from time-use surveys.
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So today I have submitted my first article for review. We have calculated some interesting time indicators for Austria, such as value of leisure (VoL). Although, this work is partially done, it left me with a lot of questions. The used theoretical model takes into account only the official/paid work, but the domestic/unpaid work is not considered as a “real” work, as it does not generate any money.
In our sample women work 8 hours less than men, but they are involved in 9 hours more of domestic work.
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